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What shirts do you recommend for tour event gifts?

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We’re running a tour qualifying event and always give shirts to all the executive players to wear the first day. What shirts do you recommend as gifts? We want something upscale, not the usual brands. We prefer a half zip shirt.

The half zip with collar is a unique alternative to the traditional polo shirt, certain to be different. When giving this as a gift, you need to understand your audience. The type of person to wear them is most likely to be under 50, and an aggressive golfer, a perfect fit for your event.

I recommend the Bugatchi ribbed half zip shirt.

half zip shirt

This is most requested fabric by executives in a sportswear style. It’s breathable and travels well without a lot of care. Choose a light color for hot climates such as Las Vegas, Scottsdale and Miami.

Because this is a ribbed fabric, we recommend light embroidery vs embroidering a large area. Tonal embroidery is popular, however, since this is a tour event, color logos are also acceptable. (Traditionally, executives don’t want logos that stand out because they don’t want to be billboards for others.)